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Beauty Lounge Medical Spa

Sculptra Butt Lift

The non-surgical procedure that is getting everyone’s attention. A safe alternative to the Brazilian butt lift or butt implants, the Sculptra Butt Lift boosts collagen while thickening the skin and lifting and tightening the buttocks area for a more desirable back side.

Sculptra is a great option for those who desire a fuller and shapelier buttocks but have been unable to achieve it naturally, and do not wish to proceed with surgery.

Sculptra Butt Lift uses a series of injections which act as a collagen stimulator to thicken the skin and stimulate collagen growth, with results gradually building over time. This will cause the volume of the skin to thicken up and ultimately provide lift, contouring and roundness to the butt area. After a couple of treatments, the volumizing results will be visible for 2 to 3 years.


How many treatments are needed?

Depending on the desired level of augmentation, most patients require about two to three treatments, over the course of a few months. The actual number of treatments vary, depending on the area being treated and the degree of correction needed.

When will I see results?

Although results can be noticed as early as six weeks after the treatments, the optimal outcome is not noticed until about 4-6 months to see your full results that will last between 2-3 years.

What to expect after treatment?

You may notice some redness, mild swelling, bruising, or tenderness after treatment. You can minimize these effects by applying an ice pack wrapped in a cloth at regular intervals, following your appointment.

It is important to massage the treated area for 5 minutes, 5 times per day for 5 days after treatment.

Most patients will experience little to no downtime and can continue with regular activities immediately after the appointment. We suggest no strenuous exercise for 24 hours following your appointment.

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